Sounds odd, but according to a recent CNN report, Hong Kong is now home to a boutique winery by the name of 8th Estate Winery. It produces about 100,000 bottles every years and is currently selling 4 reds, 4 whites and 3 different types of dessert wines. As you can imagine, there is no space to actually grow grapes in Hong Kong considering it one of the largest populations in the world. As a result, the grapes are sourced from all over the world with 2007 vintage made with grapes from Washington and the 2008 vintage from regions of Italy. To ensure freshness, the grapes go through a flash freeze process before being shipped.
Of course the real question in all of this is – Is the wine any good? CNN conducted a test with unsuspecting guests at a hotel bar who were served 8th Estate wine. Below are just a few of the comments:
“It’s good, drinkable . . . it could be from some part of France.” (Swiss man who lives in Hong Kong after tasting the Chardonnay)
“Very dry, very nice. No after taste. Is it from California?” (Miami, Florida man also in Hong Kong after tasting the Merlot)
Guess it goes to show you, you can make wine anywhere!
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