California Wine an Earthy Choice

  • Wine
  • on APRIL 22, 2008
  • 38
  • 0
By Robert Farmer

3Es_circles.jpgIt seems that the state of California sometimes is fighting its own personal battle against global warming. The Golden State enacts initiatives that are separate and apart from the national programs – or even the national objectives. As the 8th largest economy on the planet, I suppose it’s important that the state makes an environmental policy that sets the bar for the planet. The same can be said of California’s wine industry, which has provided the standard for environmentally friendly wine-producing practices for years. This month, as Earth Day anchors a month long series of news and events that place our delicate planet in the forefront, California’s two largest trade associations – Wine Institute, representing the state’s vintners, and the California Association of Winegrape Growers (CAWG), representing its winegrape growers – released their “Top 10 Reasons California Wines are an Eco-Friendly Choice,” a somewhat gimmicky way to remind the rest of the world that the state is still at the leading-edge of sustainability. Gimmicky, yes, but the list is also an excellent awareness tool for the mass of wine consumers. Rather than provide you here, in Letterman-esque fashion, the Top Ten Reasons California Wines are an Eco-Friendly Choice, you can view the list and learn more about California’s sustainable winegrowing practices at


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